Well, July has arrived and we are officially (a little more than) half-way through 2019. I was introduced to the suggestion of a personal mid-year check-in while I was listening to the Rise Podcast with Rachel Hollis (if you don’t know her, check her out for some high energy business and personal motivation!). The idea of taking time to check in with yourself is something that I talk about with clients all the time; how are you feeling, what are you thinking, etc. I love the idea of checking in with yourself regularly about how you’re doing with reaching your goals, as many of our New Year’s resolutions are often long-forgotten by the time summer rolls around.
Doing a mid-year check-in is a great way to review your goals, evaluate your progress, and prioritize how you want to move forward.
So how do you do a mid-year check-in?
Review your goals for the year. If you don’t already have them, set them. No better time to start than the present!
Reassess. If you are on-track to be where you wanted to be, congratulations! Keep up the good work! If you have fallen behind, reassess. Don’t just quit. What would be a more realistic, manageable goal for the rest of the year? Keep working towards that!
Be honest with yourself. Do an honest inventory of what it would really take to reach your goals. What would need to change? Is it realistic?
Audit your calendar. Check in to see if you are using your time well. I did this recently. I felt like time was just slipping through my fingers and I wasn’t able to get nearly as much done as I wanted to. I did a calendar audit and realized that I need to wake up earlier (NOT happy about that one!) and spend less time on social media. Making a few tweeks has helped me to maximize my time and get closer to accomplishing my goals.
Double down. Identify areas where you will see the most impact if you double down on your efforts- then get down to business!
Block out time for fun and rest. Create designated time and stick to it. Maximizing your time and getting the most return for your effort only works if you allow yourself time to have fun and ample time to rest. These are often two of the first things to go when we are working hard towards a goal. We often view them as a distraction or a waste of time, causing feelings of guilt if we aren’t working hard every moment. In reality, fun and rest are crucial to have a full life and creating all of the emotional fuel that is needed for your hard work.
Best of luck in reaching your goals!
For help identifying, setting and sticking to your goals, make an appointment with me today.